Saturday, November 23, 2013

Been a While

Hello All!

I'm so sorry I have taken a while to post some updates.  Yes. Yes.  Chill.  I missed you too!


Now, a lot has been going on at the schoolhouse this year.  Don't worry, I plan to update you all on EVERYTHING!

I am so happy to say that all of my planning and prep has made this year magical!  The kids are having fun and we are 10x more organized than last year.  I would hope the teachers are happier with the way our program is running, but who knows their true thoughts?  :P

So, here are the highlights:

Woah, MAMA!  This is my crazy desk!  I pretty much make sure all the clutter and untouchables are behind that light blue line and out of the way.  Everything labeled with light blue in my class is an "untouchable" in my room and they have to pay me if they go behind it.  Has worked well for us so far. The computer and phone have extra protection by being behind the file cabinet.  They call this place my "office."

In a previous post I showed you my idea for the journal my kids would keep during social skills.  They're coming along!  

We had a convocation at The Circuit of Americas.  Here's my friend Ginger (structured learning), our mascot (PE Coach), and me.  Go owls!

All the 5th grade teachers have their names in HUGE lettering by their door.  They made me one too!  I basically don't have a team, so I make sure everyone includes me.  HAHAHA! 

Intensive in our program is like ISS, but we basically infuse it with social skills.  In my opinion, ISS should include some rehabilitation aspect.  Anyway, this is our schedule.  Depending on how many kids we have at once, during the "work" time, we pull them individually and work on social skills lessons.

SNACK ATTACK!  Every month, a team is chosen to walk around during their conference to pass out a snack.  It's usually a soda and something fun like this.  Happy Halloween!

I asked my friend Sandi if I could put this on here.  She is a fabulous 5th grade science teacher!  This shows a sedimentary rock using rice kris pies (top), something denser (middle), and oatmeal mixed with coffee grounds (bottom).  Her kids LOVED it. :)

I got a happy note from my principal during an observation!  Yay!  Always fun to be recognized.

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